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This material is intended for either personal or group discussion. Please use the material as best suits your situation.


· Welcome

· Check in—how is everyone doing?

· Opening Prayer

Read: Luke 12:13-21 [February 13, 2022 Nelson Ave morning message based on this passage]

· What do you notice about these verses?

· What surprises you about these verses?

· What do you sense is the tone of this passage?

· What do you notice about the flow of the argument?

· What questions do you have about these verses?

· Any other comments on these verses?


· As you watch the video [see below] follow the prompts and answer the questions on the screen [either before or after the speaker].


· Any final comments about above Bible passage, the videos, the questions or the topic of money?

· Next Sunday (Feb 20) we will be looking at the following passage: Luke 21:1-4

· Concluding prayer

· Dismissal